Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Nice stay, so far at Dinner key (Coconut Grove,FL).  
We've done a bit of reading.  I (dean) finished the final chapters of a Ken Follett Book "Flight over Water".    Susan finished a book on Harvard Law School.
The water in Biscayne Bay has been like glass almost every morning.   Very easy sleeping here... 

We did take the dinghy in to land, and walk downtown for some exercise, several times. (and to  see what movies were playing...)

I will definitely need a couple of Advil tonight (Tuesday); ... I used some of the rubbing compound, and wax that I purchased at WM yesterday.... to "spiff up" the AB's hull... It had seen a lot of weather, and dirt, and 'stuff' since I last touched it in Catskill, NY. So...it's looking pretty sharp at the moment... but my shoulders, and hands will be stiff tomorrow...
Later in the PM...while we were making fresh water, I took the Stainless Steel Polish outside and polished the complete Wind-Vane system ("Nigel"), and then the starboard side stantions... Like I said..."Where are those Advil?"..... :)
Sydney was so funny this morning...When I got into the dinghy to rub down the hull, and wax it... Sydney wouldn't let me get more than 3 feet from her.... She was NOT going to MISS any chance to swim.
WELL.......... she did get her chance later...and NOW...she's "CRASHED" on the cockpit seat. ;)
I (dean) started a new novel today.... New for me anyway... Lee Childs "Running Blind" (Jack Reacher Novel). I started a Tom Clancy novel... but switched....

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