Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Tunnel of Love - Cayo Costa - Cabbage Key

 While we were anchored at Cabbage Key, we took the dinghy over to Cayo Costa and went through the 'tunnel of love' (as someone called it !! ).  That someone was really sick...
Although the end of the tunnel waterway comes out in the most gorgeous beach, the waterway itself is narrow, shallow, and full of all sorts of tree trunks that could hang up, or puncture an inflatable.

shallow and crowded with debris

Driver with motor tipped way up

Entrance to the tunnel of Love waterway

overgrown mangrove area

The waterway, obviously can be done by inflatable...but it's really a kayak waterway. 

See the photos....   Great shelling on the beach....    and once you reach the beach you're alone...
Wonderful time.

The tide was high when we left the Autumn Borne, but was falling fast when we got back in the dinghy to exit from the beach to the waterway, and back to the back bay where Cabbage Key is located. 

mangroves grown over waterway

Wonderful pond next to sand dunes

tons of shells


Susan on the gorgeous beach

dinghy in pond, back of sand dunes

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